Friday, June 26, 2009


"Buy shit, fuck it fuck you fuck me this is the world . you eat it you buy it you think you know it it was it your full of shit fuck it." -Edward Einstein 


  1. yeah people think they have a choice but really the only choice they have is between brand A and brand B. Every single square milimeter of our home the planet earth has been fenced off there is no where to run anymore.

  2. what the commecials do is make you think you are an induvidual. They say you are unique because you like a certain kind of shoe or perfume. Most dumb asses eat it up like butter.

  3. There is no such thing as free will. Every thing has already been planed out for you From the side walks you go take a walk on to the food you eat.

  4. who ever wrote this has the writing skills of a mentally disabled 4 yr. old in pre-k
